Pen & Perspectives
About Us

About Us

The world is beautiful and so are its inhabitants! … 

But, we know that perfection is an enigma. All things good have a corresponding bad, a black to a white, a shadow to a light. The dark tells us the value of light, too much brightness makes us seek the shade. It is all PERFECTLY IMPERFECT!

Here, in Pen & Perspectives (P & P), we dwell in the Greys! – cherishing the best and highlighting the areas of improvement.

Who are we?

We are a digital content providing platform. We hope to touch the lives of people through multiple media. One of the media is in the form of our blog posts on this website. Our posts are varied just like the people and the world – multihued and multidimensional.

We create content hoping to leave some everlasting impressions!

What do we offer?

As the name suggests, P&P is the portal through which we share our perspectives about the issues facing the world and its inhabitants. 

We reflect upon the concerns from multiple perspectives, channelizing our ideas to some way ahead for positive change.

We also strive to make the individuals become their better versions by sharing inputs and insights on productivity, self care and self help.

We also learn from personalities from around the world, who laid a path for us to emulate, and whose lives can serve as lessons for us. It needs to be remembered that we all have the potential to be Legendary!

We also understand that humans are not just cogs in the big economic wheel. We live colourful lives which have other aspects as well. So, on the lighter side, we also share our life experiences, our gathered knowledge and create some digital products which deal with finer aspects of lives, our joys, sorrows, or broadly our emotions – capturing the slice of life!

This is Just the Beginning!

Pen & Perspectives (P & P) is just the first step we have taken towards our goals. We plan to expand further with the betterment of the world and its inhabitants in mind.

We welcome you all to share our ideas and become a part of our journey. We are grateful and thankful for the opportunity that has been bestowed upon us, to serve. We are excited and optimistic about what the future holds for us in store.

We are ordinary people with extraordinary ambitions, with a vision to create ‘vistas of expressions’ with the future of the world in mind!

Get in Touch!

Our readers and interested parties can get in touch with us via email at