Pen & Perspectives

Pen & Perspectives

Vistas of Expressions




About Us

We and Our Attention – The Story of Loss and Recovery!

One of the major hidden ailments of 21st Century is our shortening attention span. What are the threats it poses? What are its major causes? Let's discover.. Read More "We and Our Attention – The Story of Loss and Recovery!"

The Road to Self-discovery – Quest For My Unique Identity!

In the demanding modern times, finding who we are has become more necessary than ever before. Here we present a case for self-discovery and provide some simple methods to kick start the process. Read More "The Road to Self-discovery – Quest For My Unique Identity!"


"Where the present preserves the history and the contemporary cuddles with culture..." Read More "RAJGIR – THE HIDDEN GEM"

In The Woods With The Leaves

 It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of... Read More "In The Woods With The Leaves"

Summer and Nostalgia

Summer, that time of the year when the Sun burns the hottest. But, also the time of the year which makes up for a lot of fond memories.. Read More "Summer and Nostalgia"

The Good Ganges Morning

An eye witness account of early morning Nature's play on the Ganges Ghats and how it is refreshing for the human soul. Read More "The Good Ganges Morning"